Sunday, March 19, 2017

Where in the World is Bob?

Where in the World is Bob? is a book written by James Bowen. It's based upon the Where's Wally series. It's also the way I feel right now. (Bob's a cat.)

My next blog was to be a discussion of my impending death. NO! I have no impending plans of dying, nor has some doctor told me to get my affairs in order because Trumpcare is going to really screw up retirees (Where's AARP?). I'll go more in-to-depth regarding the insanity of our politicians soon. I'll say this much for the moment. Trumpcare is supposed to be divided up into three different bills by the House. If you're out to buy a new car, and the sales person says "trust me, give me the money now, and I promise you that you'll like the other two thirds of the car when it's ready" are you that stupid to buy the car when all you can see is a third of that car? GET REAL! Hey Emperor Trumphole you're naked!

What I was planning to talk about is how the vultures are out wanting me to go ahead and arrange my own funeral! This last week I received a mailing from a cremation service. Don't worry, I'll get around to it (freaking vultures). I'll give you a hint, "Soylent Green". Give it a while. I'm sure that you'll Grok it.

So why aren't I centered, calm, happy now that I'm retired? I know I made the right choice when I retired or I wouldn't have retired.

I was watching the news on Sunday Morning. Two stories really got to me.

The first story was about Betsey Johnson. Ever heard of her? Oh, she is wacked out crazy. She's a self trained clothes designer who has a strange way of ending each show. Betsey was born in 1942. She has suffered breast cancer, bankruptcy, and is still going strong. At one point she felt like the world had ended for her?. Would you believe she ends each show (even today) with a cartwheel then the splits? Makes me scream in pain just thinking about it.

Then on February 4, 2017 the famed "White House" restaurant in Anaheim, Calif. went up in flames. The restaurant owner, Sir Bruno Serato was in tears. Oh, don't get me wrong, he was upset about the restaurant, but the restaurant was costing him money. He had refinanced his home to make sure that he stayed in business. You see every day he provided meals for poor school children. He was surrounded by the rich, but his goal was the least fortunate around us. He paid for the service, and lost money doing what he did for the children. (SHIT! Where's a Kleenex.)

After all this I was surfing and found out that there was a movie version of my favorite musical "Stop the World I Want to Get Off." (which there have been times in the past 15 years where I have been able to understand that sentiment), which circled back to a Japanese woman by the name of Marie Kondo. She is a professional consultant and author who helps people organize their homes. The goal is to seek what there is in our homes that brings us joy. If those things that we've collected no longer bring us joy, they no longer have a place around us. Take the item, offer a pray to what it has given us in the past and release it to its future as you find joy in your life.

Well that little Epiphany took me several hours on a Sunday, but once I got the message, I realized my next step. Our house is full of joy, but we've been too lost in the past to enjoy the fruits of our labor. It's time to release that which blocks our life, live in the moment, and accept the gifts of joy that surround us on a daily basis.

What is in the past is in the past. The lessons that we needed to learn are behind us. I'm over 60 and proud of my life (and my Golden Buckeye Card).  Now is the time to share, learn to cartwheel, and to help a person learn to fish.

OK, enough for today or I'll have to track down another box of Kleenex.

OK. you there. On the desk. It's time to send you on your love and thanks.....

To all my friends....

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