Monday, March 13, 2017

What's a Gator?

When most people think of a Gator, they're thinking of a

The Gator I met today was still trying to catch its prey, but this Gator was after someone much younger than he was that was working the cash register at United Dairy Farmers (UDF). Hearing him tell this young woman that they called him "Gator" made me thing of Ron White's story about being arrested when he was young and when asked for his name he replied, "They call me Tater Salad".

So what does a Gator have to do with a Tater Salad? The way Gator puffed out his chest and said his name made it as important to him as "Tater Salad" was to Ron White. (Don't ask me about the guy who told me he made "Wet Wipes". Go ahead, say "Wet Wipes several times without laughing. Make yourself sound like a bullfrog when you say "Wet Wipes".). All three had me laughing at the top of my lungs (I waited until "Gator" left the store).

I can hear some people right now. You're laughing at people. You're demeaning them! You're not very nice.

No, you don't get it!

Our reality is rich in diversity. Luckily there is more to make us smile than to make us cry. These were good people who have embraced life in their own way. They live their lives to the best of their abilities. Some, like Ron White, have made a living out of making us laugh! Even when things seem so bad that you can't go on, just remember the experience is one to make you into a stronger and better person. Your life is even more perfect than you care to admit.

We have two choices in life. We can continue on a path up the mountain, enjoying the beauty that surrounds us. There's nothing wrong with laughing our asses off when we trip over the stone that had we been looking at the world we would have walked around or over.
We can also continue to dig a hole in the ground until we bury ourselves, blocking the sun and life that surrounds us.

Both of these choices are viable choices. I can't tell you which is right and which are wrong. Both paths get us to where we ultimately want to be. I cannot tell you what that path leads us too, as the choice is ours. (Sorry, this is one minister who will not tell you what the end game is. I really don't know. I don't believe in bringing people together and telling them something to make them feel better and lining my pockets.  I believe our words, and minds are too limited to explain the future.)

Retirement gives each of us the opportunity to kick back and focus on what has always been most important. What is most important is the world around us. It is time to rejoice and experience that which we may have ignored!

On to more mundane things. On today's menu is laundry, dishes and finally, after 2 (or is it 3 years) I plan to actually use the Grex airbrush I bought. My Airfix 1/72 Victor Page B.2 was delivered at the end of last week. Eduard's Big Ed for the kit arrives today (Thank you . You folks rock!). This morning I discovered that I've got the paint I need for the cockpit. 

The plane is a beast. Even in 1/72 it's more than 20 inches in length!

OK, so that doesn't float your boat, cream your corn?  Let's try a great tonic for the morning. Ever heard of "switchel"? Check out:

I make mine with a sparkling water. It fermented in the refrigerator for about a week. Yeah Baby! Cross my eyes and spank my have pink ass! I'M ALIVE!

Wish I could give you an update on what my next issue will be, but I can't. I'll know when life decides. (Thank you Gator!) 

Rev BBQ 

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