Monday, March 6, 2017

The Meaning of 42

In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the answer to the meaning of life is 42. It also is the answer to what happens to you when you retire. 

Retirement is what you make of it.

As a person that no longer has to put up with the insanity of those around him (only his own), my posts will only deal with those things that are important to me. Like them, love them, hate them. I really don't care. I'm sure that I'll be saying things that will piss the hell out of you, make you laugh, and question my sanity. Nothing is sacred, including religion. (I'm sure once you read my take on religion you'll wonder how I became a minister.)

My statements are my opinions. Don't take my statements as facts. I am not any of the idiots that the idiot in the White House likes to follow. (I cannot and will not call him the President. Please note that the last two Republicans (?) gained the office through the Electoral College, not through the votes of the American people.)

Restaurants, recipes (no animals will be murdered for any of my recipes) and books (sci-fi not Syfy) will be discussed as these things provide me with relaxation.

So if you care to join me in my attempt to "Grok" 42, be welcome, and enjoy the ride I've picked for the rest of this existence.

Rev. Bob (aka Rev. BBQ)

1 comment:

  1. Bob, this should be good, you cannot have BBQ w/o dead animals (road kill to our Southern friends). Just remember on the retirement questionnaire from the ODJFS/UCRC there was a question of why did you retire now. A truthful answer would probably bring SWAT to my door in this PC age. Should be fun and do not censor my comments. Did you know that democrats have not been this upset with a Republican president since Lincoln freed their slaves? In that vein let the fun begin. later, Craig
