Sunday, March 19, 2017

Where in the World is Bob?

Where in the World is Bob? is a book written by James Bowen. It's based upon the Where's Wally series. It's also the way I feel right now. (Bob's a cat.)

My next blog was to be a discussion of my impending death. NO! I have no impending plans of dying, nor has some doctor told me to get my affairs in order because Trumpcare is going to really screw up retirees (Where's AARP?). I'll go more in-to-depth regarding the insanity of our politicians soon. I'll say this much for the moment. Trumpcare is supposed to be divided up into three different bills by the House. If you're out to buy a new car, and the sales person says "trust me, give me the money now, and I promise you that you'll like the other two thirds of the car when it's ready" are you that stupid to buy the car when all you can see is a third of that car? GET REAL! Hey Emperor Trumphole you're naked!

What I was planning to talk about is how the vultures are out wanting me to go ahead and arrange my own funeral! This last week I received a mailing from a cremation service. Don't worry, I'll get around to it (freaking vultures). I'll give you a hint, "Soylent Green". Give it a while. I'm sure that you'll Grok it.

So why aren't I centered, calm, happy now that I'm retired? I know I made the right choice when I retired or I wouldn't have retired.

I was watching the news on Sunday Morning. Two stories really got to me.

The first story was about Betsey Johnson. Ever heard of her? Oh, she is wacked out crazy. She's a self trained clothes designer who has a strange way of ending each show. Betsey was born in 1942. She has suffered breast cancer, bankruptcy, and is still going strong. At one point she felt like the world had ended for her?. Would you believe she ends each show (even today) with a cartwheel then the splits? Makes me scream in pain just thinking about it.

Then on February 4, 2017 the famed "White House" restaurant in Anaheim, Calif. went up in flames. The restaurant owner, Sir Bruno Serato was in tears. Oh, don't get me wrong, he was upset about the restaurant, but the restaurant was costing him money. He had refinanced his home to make sure that he stayed in business. You see every day he provided meals for poor school children. He was surrounded by the rich, but his goal was the least fortunate around us. He paid for the service, and lost money doing what he did for the children. (SHIT! Where's a Kleenex.)

After all this I was surfing and found out that there was a movie version of my favorite musical "Stop the World I Want to Get Off." (which there have been times in the past 15 years where I have been able to understand that sentiment), which circled back to a Japanese woman by the name of Marie Kondo. She is a professional consultant and author who helps people organize their homes. The goal is to seek what there is in our homes that brings us joy. If those things that we've collected no longer bring us joy, they no longer have a place around us. Take the item, offer a pray to what it has given us in the past and release it to its future as you find joy in your life.

Well that little Epiphany took me several hours on a Sunday, but once I got the message, I realized my next step. Our house is full of joy, but we've been too lost in the past to enjoy the fruits of our labor. It's time to release that which blocks our life, live in the moment, and accept the gifts of joy that surround us on a daily basis.

What is in the past is in the past. The lessons that we needed to learn are behind us. I'm over 60 and proud of my life (and my Golden Buckeye Card).  Now is the time to share, learn to cartwheel, and to help a person learn to fish.

OK, enough for today or I'll have to track down another box of Kleenex.

OK. you there. On the desk. It's time to send you on your love and thanks.....

To all my friends....

Monday, March 13, 2017

What's a Gator?

When most people think of a Gator, they're thinking of a

The Gator I met today was still trying to catch its prey, but this Gator was after someone much younger than he was that was working the cash register at United Dairy Farmers (UDF). Hearing him tell this young woman that they called him "Gator" made me thing of Ron White's story about being arrested when he was young and when asked for his name he replied, "They call me Tater Salad".

So what does a Gator have to do with a Tater Salad? The way Gator puffed out his chest and said his name made it as important to him as "Tater Salad" was to Ron White. (Don't ask me about the guy who told me he made "Wet Wipes". Go ahead, say "Wet Wipes several times without laughing. Make yourself sound like a bullfrog when you say "Wet Wipes".). All three had me laughing at the top of my lungs (I waited until "Gator" left the store).

I can hear some people right now. You're laughing at people. You're demeaning them! You're not very nice.

No, you don't get it!

Our reality is rich in diversity. Luckily there is more to make us smile than to make us cry. These were good people who have embraced life in their own way. They live their lives to the best of their abilities. Some, like Ron White, have made a living out of making us laugh! Even when things seem so bad that you can't go on, just remember the experience is one to make you into a stronger and better person. Your life is even more perfect than you care to admit.

We have two choices in life. We can continue on a path up the mountain, enjoying the beauty that surrounds us. There's nothing wrong with laughing our asses off when we trip over the stone that had we been looking at the world we would have walked around or over.
We can also continue to dig a hole in the ground until we bury ourselves, blocking the sun and life that surrounds us.

Both of these choices are viable choices. I can't tell you which is right and which are wrong. Both paths get us to where we ultimately want to be. I cannot tell you what that path leads us too, as the choice is ours. (Sorry, this is one minister who will not tell you what the end game is. I really don't know. I don't believe in bringing people together and telling them something to make them feel better and lining my pockets.  I believe our words, and minds are too limited to explain the future.)

Retirement gives each of us the opportunity to kick back and focus on what has always been most important. What is most important is the world around us. It is time to rejoice and experience that which we may have ignored!

On to more mundane things. On today's menu is laundry, dishes and finally, after 2 (or is it 3 years) I plan to actually use the Grex airbrush I bought. My Airfix 1/72 Victor Page B.2 was delivered at the end of last week. Eduard's Big Ed for the kit arrives today (Thank you . You folks rock!). This morning I discovered that I've got the paint I need for the cockpit. 

The plane is a beast. Even in 1/72 it's more than 20 inches in length!

OK, so that doesn't float your boat, cream your corn?  Let's try a great tonic for the morning. Ever heard of "switchel"? Check out:

I make mine with a sparkling water. It fermented in the refrigerator for about a week. Yeah Baby! Cross my eyes and spank my have pink ass! I'M ALIVE!

Wish I could give you an update on what my next issue will be, but I can't. I'll know when life decides. (Thank you Gator!) 

Rev BBQ 

Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Jabberwocky

So why does a person retire? The answer to that question should be obvious. We retire because we can. We've put in our time, earned the choice, and decided that it is time to retire and move on to the next chapter in our lives.

The worst thing we can ever do is not retire.

Why do some people not retire? They're afraid. They're afraid that they won't know what to do. They're afraid that they won't have the money. Marketers have done a great job selling the need for pre-retirement planning (along with planning your own funeral).

So why did I title this post "The Jabberwocky"?

"The Jabberwocky" was a poem written by Lewis Carroll. (Any reference to the poem in the Johnny Depp films of this creature has no basis in the mind of Carroll. The Disney cartoon is more faithful to Carroll than the crap that was spewed forth by Hollywood in the last 10 years. I can be a movie snob, and when I walked out of the theatre I was as upset as when the Electoral College elected Trump as President.)  The poem really has no meaning. It's nothing but doggerel.

Your fears have no more meaning as does "The Jabberwocky". (Give me a moment whilst I dig my collar out as I'm going to switch to an issue of faith.)

Our world has many religious beliefs. I was raised in the Methodist sect of the Christian religion. As I age I have found peace in the teachings of the Buddha too. I had the chance to discuss religion with one of the greatest entertainers who was able to bring laughter and peace to millions across our war torn planet. His name was Red Skelton.  I'll never forget Red telling me that there was truth in all religions.

In Christianity Jesus the Christ is credited with talking about faith, and how with faith we will be able to move mountains. Remember that little mustard seed? No? Try this updated version of the necessity of faith.

"A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help.

Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, "Jump in, I can save you."
The stranded fellow shouted back, "No, it's OK, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me."
So the rowboat went on.
Then a motorboat came by. "The fellow in the motorboat shouted, "Jump in, I can save you."
To this the stranded man said, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."
So the motorboat went on.
Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, "Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety."
To this the stranded man again replied, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."
So the helicopter reluctantly flew away.
Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, "I had faith in you but you didn't save me, you let me drown. I don't understand why!"
To this God replied, "I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?"

When it's time for you to retire don't worry about what what could happen, just jump in that first boat that goes floating by. Trust in your heart, and realize that you've made your own choice, and take the next step in your life. 
If you need a reminder, tape a mustard seed where you'll see it first thing in the morning, and the last place you'll see it as you turn out the light at night.
Keely and I have been talking to our friends about "Puddles the Clown". You can find Puddles on YouTube.  Please check him out. Puddles is awesome! If I cried, you will too...
Here's a link to Puddles:
Until the next time remember what DrSidney Freedman said on MASH. "Take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the Ice!"

Watch this site for "The Gator"!
Rev. Bob

Monday, March 6, 2017

The Meaning of 42

In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the answer to the meaning of life is 42. It also is the answer to what happens to you when you retire. 

Retirement is what you make of it.

As a person that no longer has to put up with the insanity of those around him (only his own), my posts will only deal with those things that are important to me. Like them, love them, hate them. I really don't care. I'm sure that I'll be saying things that will piss the hell out of you, make you laugh, and question my sanity. Nothing is sacred, including religion. (I'm sure once you read my take on religion you'll wonder how I became a minister.)

My statements are my opinions. Don't take my statements as facts. I am not any of the idiots that the idiot in the White House likes to follow. (I cannot and will not call him the President. Please note that the last two Republicans (?) gained the office through the Electoral College, not through the votes of the American people.)

Restaurants, recipes (no animals will be murdered for any of my recipes) and books (sci-fi not Syfy) will be discussed as these things provide me with relaxation.

So if you care to join me in my attempt to "Grok" 42, be welcome, and enjoy the ride I've picked for the rest of this existence.

Rev. Bob (aka Rev. BBQ)